
Media Double Standards

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Gee. I wonder if a Bush had called a gay Democrat strategist "self-loathing", the media would be all over it?

Bill Clinton, Loathe-ario
Saturday's New York Times carried the news that political consultant Arthur Finkelstein "had married his male partner in a civil ceremony at his home in Massachusetts." Although Finkelstein's gayness wasn't news, his nuptials were something of a man-bites-dog story, for he is a Republican, and Republicans generally oppose same-sex marriage, whereas Democrats oppose it only when they're sure that is the politically expedient position.

Finkelstein made the Times again on Sunday, when the paper reported that he is gearing up an effort to defeat Hillary Clinton's expected 2008 presidential bid. "Republicans who know of his intentions say he is moving behind the scenes to line up donors to help the committee, called Stop Her Now, reach its goal of raising as much as $10 million to finance an independent campaign against her."

This morning's Times brings us yet another Finkelstein update:

Former President Bill Clinton unleashed an attack yesterday against a gay Republican strategist who has plans to work against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's re-election, suggesting that the man may be "self-loathing" to work on behalf of the Republican Party.

John Edwards, John Kerry and now Bill Clinton--that's three. We can now officially speak of the gay-baiting trend among Democratic politicians, though in fairness to Kedwards, we should note that they did not go so far as to imply being gay was loathsome.

Anyway, there's no need to resort to cheap armchair psychology to explain why Finkelstein would go to work against Mrs. Clinton. Why would anyone expect a man who's just gotten gay-married to have any use for the non-same-sex spouse of the president who signed the Defense of Marriage Act?

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